Friday Harbor, WA
AP World History
Unit 0: AP World Basics
Week 0 (8/31-9/6)
- Syllabus
- Ethical AI Practices Case Studies
- Geographical Regions + How to Read in AP World
- Quiz Unit 0 Review & Prep (QUIZ 9/7)
- Weekly Reading (Due 9/8) AMSCO Introduction pgs. xli-lxii w/annotations + "Reflect on the Prologue" Qs #1-6
Unit 1: The Global Tapestry (c. 1200-c.1450)
Week 1 (9/11-9/15)
- Lecture: Tang & Song Dynasties
- Classwork: Tang & Song Dynasties Jigsaw
- Lecture: Emergence of Islam
- Lecture: Empires of Southeast Asia
- Classwork: How to MCQ
- Quiz #1 (9/15)
- Weekly Reading (Due 9/15) AMSCO pgs.3-11 + pg.12 Qs #1-3 & pgs.15-19 + pg.20 Qs #1-3 & pgs. 23-29 + pg.30 Qs#1-3
Week 2 (9/18-9/22)
- Lecture: The Americas
- Lecture: Empires of Subsaharan Africa
- Classwork: Africa SAQ
- Classwork: SAQ Peer Review
- Quiz #2 (9/22)
- Weekly Reading (Due 9/22) AMSCO pgs.33-39 + pg.40 Qs #1-3 & pgs.43-49 + pg.50 Qs #1-3
Week 3 (9/25-9/29)
- Lecture: Feudalism in Europe
- Classwork: Southernization
- Exam Prep & Review
- Exam #1 (9/29)
- Review Homework (Due 9/29): Daily Videos 1.1-1.7 + MCQs
- Weekly Reading (Due 9/29) AMSCO pgs.53-61 + pg.64 "Reflect on the Topic Essential Question" & pgs.65-68 + pg.68 "Reflect on the Essential Question"