Friday Harbor, WA
AP United States History
Unit 0:
US History Basics
Week 0 (8/31-9/6)
- Syllabus
- Ethical AI Practices Case Studies
- Historical Themes (SPACEMEN)
- Native Societies Before European Contact
- Quiz Unit 0 Review & Prep (QUIZ 9/7)
Unit 1: Time Period 1491-1607
Week 1: (9/7-9/8)
- Quiz Unit 0 (9/7)
- Early American Colonial Society (Lecture)
- Pre-Colonial Society & Motivations for European Exploration (Lecture)
- How to Multiple Choice in APUSH
- The Columbian Exchange Primary Source Analysis
Week 2: (9/11-9/15)
- The Columbian Exchange Primary Source Analysis
- European Conquest & Native Responses Premiere Essay Free Response
- de Las Casas vs. Sepulveda Socratic Seminar
- Quiz Unit 1 (THURS. 9/14)
- Early Colonial Economic Practices (Lecture)
Week 3: (9/18-9/22)
- Natives Society & Conflicts (Lecture)
- Review for Unit 1 Exam
- Peer Edit Free Response Essays
- Exam Unit 1 (9/22)
Unit 2: Time Period 1607-1754
Week 4: (9/25-9/29)
- Unit 1 Exam Reflection & Corrections
- Lecture: The Enlightenment
- Classwork: Comparing the Colonizers
- Lecture: The English Colonies
- Writing: 2.3 SAQ Practice
- SAQ Peer Review
- Quiz #2 (9/29)
-Weekly Reading (Due 9/29) AMSCO Review pgs. 24-38 + Qs #1-8
Week 5: (10/2-10/6)
- Classwork: Transatlantic Slave Trade
- DBQ #1: Slavery in the British Colonies
-Weekly Reading (Due 10/6) AMSCO Review pgs.45-55 + Qs #1-10
Week 6: (10/9-10/13)
- DBQ #1: Slavery in the British Colonies
- DBQ #1 Peer Review
- Unit 2 Review
- Unit 2 Exam (10/13)
- Review Homework (Due 10/13) Videos 2.1-2.8 on MyAP Classroom + MCQ questions #1-18